| 1. | He began examining nearby galaxies with a 10-inch refractor to see whether any stars had flared up . 他用口径10英寸的折射望远镜巡视邻近的星系,查看是否有恒星已经闪亮。 |
| 2. | The two formulas are nearly the same for nearby galaxies but diverge for distant galaxies 对邻近的星系来说,两个方程式给出的结果几乎是一样的,可是对于遥远星系就大不相同了。 |
| 3. | The most recent supernova visible by naked eyes was the sn1987a , which is located in a small nearby galaxy , the large magellanic cloud 近年来可以用肉眼看到的超新星爆发,发生在一个称为大麦哲伦云的小星系内的sn1987a 。 |
| 4. | We know from observations of nearby galaxies that a small number of high - mass stars and a larger number of low - mass stars usually form at the same time 从对邻近星系的观测我们得知:少数的大质量恒星,往往会和为数众多的小质量恒星同时形成。 |
| 5. | With the advent of the nasa s chandra x - ray observatory and the european space agency s xmm - newton satellite , the search of intermediate - mass black holes in nearby galaxies becomes possible and promising 美国太空总署的钱德拉射线天文台和欧洲航天局的xmm -牛顿卫星,使在邻近星系寻获中型黑洞的机会再非遥不可及。 |
| 6. | In the early 1970s , astronomers alar and jun toomre predicted that the odd shape of two relatively nearby galaxies , dubbed the mice after their rodent - like tails , could be explained by a fantastic collision between them 在二十世纪七十年代早期,天文学家艾拉和裘利?图木尔就曾预言那两个因为有像啮齿动物一样的尾巴而被别称为“老鼠”的相对较近的星系的奇怪形状可以用发生在两者之间的奇怪的撞击来解释。 |
| 7. | Scientists believe that many nearby galaxies harbour intermediate - mass black holes as very luminous x - ray sources , also known as ultraluminous x - ray sources . unlike supermassive black hole in the centre of a galaxy , these ultraluminous x - ray sources usually locate at the galactic disks 科学家相信,中型黑洞匿藏在许多我们邻近的星系中,向四周发射超强射线,与超重黑洞不同的是,它们并非位于星系中心,而是散布在银盘上。 |
| 8. | More recently , dr . rosanne di stefano also from the harvard - smithsonian centre for astrophysics and i used the chandra x - ray observatory to detect objects dubbed " quasisoft " x - ray sources in nearby galaxies because of their low temperatures , which are at most four million degrees celsius . that is well below the temperatures expected for " hard " x - ray sources such as neutron stars or stellar mass black holes - which run between 10 million and 100 million degrees celsius - and still hotter than " soft " x - ray sources like white dwarfs 最近罗珊迪史提芬路博士她亦来自哈佛大学史密森天体物理中心和笔者利用钱德拉射线天文台在邻近星系侦测到一种奇怪的-射线源,我们称之为类软射线源,因为它们的温度最高只有摄氏400万度,远低于一般硬射线源,例如中子星和恒星型黑洞温度介乎摄氏1千万至1亿度,却又比软射线源例如白矮星为高。 |
| 9. | The sub - arcsecond spatial resolution of chandra , and xmm - newton s unrivaled sensitivity open a new area for the study of nearby galaxies ; many x - ray point sources are resolved without confusion and astronomers can study their x - ray properties such as timing behaviors and spectra in details 钱德拉射线天文台具备低于一角秒的分辨率,而xmm -牛顿卫星的灵敏度更是无出其右,二者天衣无缝的配合,为研究这些天体的射线特性,例如光度变化和光谱等,开创一个全新的领域。 |
| 10. | Although many ultraluminous x - ray sources in nearby galaxies were discovered by the einstein x - ray observatory and rosat , the poor sensitivity and spatial resolution provide little information about their nature . in particular , due to source confusion , it is very difficult for astronomers to search for signatures at other wavelengths in order to study the physical nature of ultraluminous x - ray sources 虽然爱因斯坦射线天文台和伦琴射线卫星至今已发现了不少这类超强射线源,但由于灵敏度和空间分辨率不足,所得的资料非常有限,再加上无法精确判定-射线的源头位置,因此天文学家往往难以在其他波段来对它们进行详细研究。 |